
To create a parallax effect on an image, use the [parallax_image] shortcode.

[parallax_image img="images/background/bg-image-1.jpg" height="350" style="uk-text-center uk-contrast uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-flex-center" options="bg: '-200'"]
  your elements here

To create the parallax effect on an element, use the [parallax] shortcode. To learn more about all the options attribute, see this table

[parallax options="opacity: '1,0', y: '-50'"]your elements here[/parallax]

Title here

Sub title goes here

[parallax_image img="images/background/bg-image-1.jpg" height="350" style="uk-text-center uk-contrast uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-flex-center" options="bg: '-200'"]
  [parallax options="opacity: '0,1', scale: '0.75,1', viewport: '0.5'"]
  [heading size="h1" style="uk-module-title-alt uk-margin-top"]Title here[/heading]
  [heading size="h3" style="uk-sub-title"]Sub title goes here[/heading]

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